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Seasonal Weight Limit Notice

Town of Tilden Road Seasonal Weight Limit Notice


In accordance with sec. 349.16, Wisconsin Statutes, a temporary gross weight limit of six tons on any one axle and ten tons on any tandem axle less than eight feet apart will be in effect beginning on Monday, March 3, 2025, as soon as signs are erected on all Town of Tilden roads.  The duration of these temporary weight limits will depend on weather and roadway conditions. 

This is a critical period of time for the township roads in order to avoid costly damage and we request support and cooperation for this temporary load limit. Penalties can be imposed under sec. 348.21, Wis. Statutes for violations.




Notice is hereby given this 27th day of February, 2025 by:

Mary Hartman, Town of Tilden Clerk

Places Posted:  Front of the Tilden Town Hall, Baier’s Bar, Bresina’s Bar & Town of Tilden Website