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While there is no zoning in the Town of Tilden, the Town does have ordinances that affect land and road use. 

Building Permits (sheds, garages, and non-habitable structures) and Driveway Permits are required in the Town of Tilden and issued by Tilden’s clerk. 

Excessive Weight Permits are required in the Town of Tilden and issued by Tilden’s Road Commissioner. 

New home or multi-family home construction requires filling out an online Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Permit Application and a permit through the Chippewa County Planning & Zoning office (715)726-7940 at 711 N. Bridge Street, Room 009, Chippewa Falls. Building permits take time to issue, so always allow 7 to 10 days before your project begins.

There is an After the Fact Fee of $250 for starting construction or building prior to getting a permit, so if in doubt call the clerk for permitting applications, checking ordinances or general building permit questions.