The Tilden Fire Department needs Firefighters and/or Emergency Medical Responders (EMR’s).
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Tilden Volunteer Fire Department, please contact:
Dave Goettl 715-495-1188 [email protected]
Jim Blum 715-288-6985
[email protected]
Office Hours for the Town Clerk are by appointment. Call, text or email Mary at
715-404-0026, or [email protected]
Burning Permits are issued by our Fire Chief or designee. You must get permission and a Burning Permit Number from Chief David Goettl 715-495-1188 or Jim Blum 715-288-6985. You will need the location of the fire, fire number and address. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE SAYING YOU ARE BURNING!
The best place to start is by accessing the Property Assessment Appeal Guide for Wisconsin Real Property Owners available at Property Assessment Appeal Guide.